Kids Fitness Classes in Teaneck NJ Bergen County
40 minutes of innovative custom/tailored and always changing cardio coupled with slow controlled safe, effective and focused strength training.
Best Kids Fitness Classes Near Me in Teaneck
Each workout includes a variety of “props” including: Free Weights, Terra-Core Fitness Trainers, Kettle-bells, Body Bars, Sand bags, Jump Ropes, and of course heart pumping tunes to go with it.
Teen Fitness Programs Near Me in Teaneck
The goal is to provide a full-body workout that builds endurance and strength all while having fun.
So…How much do Kids Fitness Classes in Teaneck NJ Cost?
1 Session - $24
5 Sessions - $110
10 Sessions - $200
20 Sessions - $360
Virtual - 1 Session - $12
Virtual - 10 Sessions - $100